What Is Development?


Development is a process that involves growth, progress or change. Typically, the term is used in relation to economic or social changes that improve people’s lives or create new opportunities. It can involve the creation of new jobs, the provision of new resources or an increase in income. It can also refer to changes in the environment, including an improvement in environmental quality.

One of the most important goals for development is to ensure that all people have access to a decent standard of living. This includes food, water and shelter as well as education and health care. Other important goals include eradicating poverty and ensuring that all countries have peace. Poverty is a serious problem because it prevents people from getting the services they need to live healthy and productive lives, while wars wreak havoc in many different ways, from dislocating populations to destroying ecosystems.

In terms of a country’s economy, development usually refers to a rise in per capita income, or how much money a person receives each year. As a result, some countries are considered developed while others remain underdeveloped. There are a number of reasons why a country may be considered underdeveloped, such as high levels of inequality or lack of political freedom.

Professionals from various fields have developed a variety of definitions and emphases for the concept of development. Amartya Sen, for example, developed an approach called the capability approach that focuses on empowering people by giving them more choices and freedom of action.