What Are Automobiles?

Automobiles are vehicles that run on road and use the engine to drive. The automobile is a large part of our everyday life. It allows us to go to work, to meet friends or family and do many other things. It also gives people a sense of freedom and independence. If you do not have a car you will have to depend on other people or public transportation which can be expensive and time consuming.

The automobile was first perfected in Germany and France toward the end of the nineteenth century by such men as Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz, Nicolaus Otto and Emile Levassor. In 1913 the American Henry Ford introduced the modern assembly line, which allowed a single worker to stay in one place and perform just one task as the parts pass by on a conveyor. This revolutionized production. Ford and other American manufacturers became the dominant force in the world’s automobile industry.

After World War II the auto industry had to invest a lot of money in research and development to make cars more comfortable and safe. Power steering, air brakes and automatic controls for windows and seats were added. The car has become a symbol of status and wealth in the United States. The automobile has been a driving force for change in twentieth century America, providing jobs and economic prosperity, and creating new consumer goods and lifestyles.

However, the automobile has its drawbacks. It can cause environmental damage when it crashes or is damaged. It can also pollute the air if used in large numbers, and it is a drain on dwindling world oil supplies. Fortunately, there are alternatives to the automobile, including buses, passenger trains and trams.