Getting Started With Spirituality


Spirituality is a deep, often religious, sense of peace, purpose, and connection to others. It includes a belief in a higher form of intelligence or consciousness running the universe and an afterlife. Spirituality can help ease stress and depression, and increase positive emotions like hope, self-compassion, gratitude, and awe. In addition, it can enhance our sense of meaning and purpose, and improve relationships and physical health.

Spiritual people often believe that things happen for a reason, and are grateful for both the good and bad parts of life. This helps them stay positive despite challenges, and allows them to enjoy the present moment. They also find satisfaction in serving others and helping humanity.

Becoming spiritual is a journey that takes time and practice, so it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself. Start by finding a path or practice that feels authentic to you. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, service, reading spiritual texts, or something else entirely — it doesn’t have to be complicated or rigid. Try to devote 15 to 20 minutes per day to your practice.

Getting started can be as simple as staying silent for five to 10 minutes in the morning in a quiet, soothing environment. If you’re feeling more advanced, you can add in some prayer, mindfulness, or journaling. But remember that it’s important not to use your spiritual beliefs as an excuse for negative behaviors. Be wary of spiritual bypassing, which is the tendency to use religion and spirituality to avoid or ignore problems, feelings, and conflicts.