Business services are the activities that assist the production of a product yet do not directly produce or sell a tangible commodity. Examples include shipping, marketing and inter and intra-departmental communication. These activities are crucial to the success of many companies and can also be an opportunity for growth, especially in developing countries like India.
Business service sector accounts for 11% of the EU GDP and provides a wide range of vital functions across multiple industries. This industry is highly diversified and includes everything from IT, human resources and facilities management to employment services, engineering and architecture. It is the foundation of European competitiveness and innovation in a globalised economy, where traditional goods and services are being combined with new kinds of products to create novel solutions.
While the benefits of business services are clear, the risky nature of these activities can lead to high absenteeism rates and low productivity levels. Workplace injuries and illnesses are common in the business services industry, as well as in other sectors, but data on these incidents is incomplete and under-reported.
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